Drummer Marc Edwards and electric guitarist Guillaume Gargaud team up for a highly energized series of incandescent duets via the album Black Hole Universe (Atypeek Music download).
Words are not entirely sufficient to describe the intensity of this session. Both Marc and Guillaume make full use of their seemingly near limitless troves of rapid-fire expressions to create some remarkable sounds. Guillaume has a highly electric Speed Metal exhaustiveness to his performances, especially the opening 20-minute salvo. Marc counters with the sort of superdynamic all-over busy free bombardment that rivals and even at times surpasses the recorded dynamos of relentless high-intensity flights with his eloquent Slipstream Time Travel outfit. This is edge-cutting sharp!
The music is best described as Free Avant Metal I suppose you could say. It is some of the best such I have ever heard and as a duet does not let up at any point, though each segment concentrates on a particular spectrum of feels without loss of built-in high kinetic density. Edwards and Gargaud hit record heights and we can only hang on as we hear it!
If you wonder where Free Jazz and Psychedelic Metal might join, here's an excellent example. Kudos! Devastatingly heavy.